
from Job Postings

We use millions of new job postings from around the world each month for data-driven decision-making, and you can too!

Get the Leads You Need

Unlock valuable company insights by tapping into both historical and current signals, allowing you to discover new leads and study industry patterns. Leverage our comprehensive job data feeds to boost your lead generation strategy.

Extract tailored company signals to access specific information, allowing you to focus on high-potential leads. The rich data found in job postings empowers you to optimize your sales process with targeted insights.

Map technology companies globally with access to a continuous stream of job postings and leverage the ongoing demand for talent. Consistent job data feeds are essential in today’s B2B landscape to uncover specific company insights.

A hand holding a compass symbolizes finding the right path.

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Our Job Posting Data Feeds offer

A stream of lights representing job data feeds.

Up-to-date job postings provide a reliable source of company signals and high-quality leads.

Worldwide labor market coverage provides visibility into diverse markets and allows for meaningful comparisons.

Detailed job postings help to reveal numerous potential leads for targeted technologies, tools, and software.

Reliable and secure data delivery through AWS provides secure access without concerns of data loss or interruptions.

Easily convertible JSON data, easily converted into CSV, XML, YAML, or other data formats.

Secure payments through AWS as the seller of record, ensuring dispute handling if issues arise.

Prepare daily updates
for your sales team

Scale with our
Global Coverage

Secure payments
via AWS Data Exchange

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to your needs

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in under an hour

Interested? Contact us today to evaluate your options.

Build something great!

Unleash the full potential of our high-quality job postings to achieve your business objectives and gain a competitive edge in your industry!

Excellent Service

Our reliable services are tailored to meet your needs, helping you achieve your goals with confidence.

Scalable Solution

Our global coverage is designed to support your use-case, enabling you to easily add new markets.

Fast Set-up

Download JSON files from AWS S3 and pump them into your Databases or connect to our API in minutes.

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